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Australia 2011


Awareness gains momentum

You want to be relaxed. Is the meditating mind unbiased, open, and honest? When the mind doesn't want anything or is not dissatisfied with anything, it's cool and has the right view. It sees nature as nature. Awareness becomes continuous. At this point, you don't think negative thoughts or say harmful things about others. Sīla is strong. The quality of samādhi is inherent in the wisdom that is recognizing object as object. It knows what there is to be known. Samādhi is present because there isn't a craving for some other experience or dissatisfaction with what is happening.

Keeping sīla and developing samādhi and paññā are the work of following the teachings of the Buddha and continuing the Buddha's Dispensation (sasana). Everything is already included in every instance where you avoid  rongdoing
and do what is right with awareness+wisdom.

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