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USA - IMS 2015


Why are we being mindful?
Why are we being mindful or aware? We practice because we want to understand. We wait, observe, and study what is happening in the mind and body so that we can understand their natures. We are not intentionally trying to make the mind calm or trying to have "good sittings". We meditate to see what is happening as it is and to have the right attitude regarding what is happening (i.e. it is nature and nothing personal). We need to see nature as nature, to recognize objects as objects, and to know what is to be known.

As soon as there is a thought that this experience or object is good, there is craving for it. When we see what is right as what is right, what is there as what is there, then there is escape from craving. However, when we don't know how to practice, the craving can only increase. We are meditating to be free of craving and clinging.

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