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A Gift of Dhamma
SO NOW... There's been not enough time.... too little time.... You've been visiting for many days now, and we haven't had the chance to talk, to ask questions, because here at Wat Nong Pa Pong there've been many visitors, both day and night. So we haven't had the opportunity to talk.

[Aside: Whose parents are these?] [Answer: Ṭhitiñāṇo's.] Ṭhitiñāṇo's parents have come to visit from Paris for several days now, staying three nights at Wat Pa Pong and three nights at Wat Pa Nanachat. In two days you're going to leave.
So I'd like to take the opportunity to tell you how glad I am that you made the effort to come here to Wat Nong Pa Pong and that you've had the chance to visit with your son, the monk. I'm glad for you, but I don't have any gift to give to you. There are already lots of material things and whatnot in Paris. Lots of material things. But there's not much Dhamma to nourish people's hearts and bring them peace. There's not much at all. From what I observed when I was there, all I could see were things to stir up the heart and give it trouble all the time. From what I observed, Paris seems to be very advanced in terms of all kinds of material things that are sensual objects—sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations, and ideas that act as temptations for people who aren't familiar with the Dhamma, getting them all stirred up. So now I'd like to give a gift of Dhamma that you can put into practice in Paris after you leave Wat Nong Pa Pong and Wat Pa Nanachat.




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