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Developing one-pointedness of mind – Samadhi

When developing ''samadhi'', fix your attention on the breath and imagine that you are sitting alone with absolutely no other people and nothing else around to bother you. Develop this perception in the mind,

sustaining it until the mind completely lets go of the world outside and all that is left is simply the knowing of the breath entering and leaving. The mind must set aside the external world. Don't allow yourself to start thinking about this person who is sitting over here, or that person who is sitting over there. Don't give space to any thoughts that will
give rise to confusion or agitation in the mind – it's better to throw them out and be done with them. There is no one else here, you are sitting all alone. Develop this perception until all the other memories, perceptions and thoughts concerning other people and things subside, and you're no longer doubting or wandering about the other people or things around you. Then you can fix your attention solely on the in–breaths and out– breaths. Breathe normally. Allow the in–breaths and the out– breaths to continue naturally, without forcing them to be
longer or shorter, stronger or weaker than normal.




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