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Making the Heart Good
THESE DAYS people are going all over the place looking for merit. And they always seem to stop over in Wat Nong Pah Pong. If they don't stop over on the way, they stop over on the return journey. Wat Nong Pah Pong has become a stop-over point.

Some people are in such a hurry I don't even get a chance to see or speak to them. Most of them are looking for merit. I don't see many looking for a way out of wrongdoing. They're so intent on getting merit they don't know where they're going to put it. It's like trying to dye a dirty, unwashed cloth.
Monks talk straight like this, but it's hard for most people to put this sort of teaching into practice. It's hard because they don't understand.
If they understood it would be much easier. Suppose there was a hole, and there was something at the bottom of it. Now anyone who put their hand into the hole and didn't reach the bottom would say the hole was too deep. Out of a hundred or a thousand people putting their hands down that hole, they'd all say the hole was too deep. Not one would say their arm was too short!
There are so many people looking for merit. Sooner or later they'll have to start looking for a way out of wrongdoing. But not many people
are interested in this. The teaching of the Buddha is so brief, but most people just pass it by, just like they pass through Wat Nong Pah Pong.
For most people that's what the Dhamma is, a stop-over point.




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